The lecture today covered Data, Information and Knowledge and how each one connects to the other. The lecture slides contained information about Strategies for Assigment Work. The lecture slides covered the definitions and characteristics of Data, Information and Knowledge. There was also a Pop Quiz which covered some of the topics which we have covered in previous weeks and the purpose of the Pop Quiz was to help us with the exam.
The Tutorial today was about Building Knowledge. The workshop was straightforward and simple. The tutorial workshop helped me build a great understanding of Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom and how each one relates to the other. The Workshop was very straightforward and simple to follow.
My own definitions of these terms:-
- Data - Data is a factual piece of information which can be collected from a variety of sources.
- Information - Information is facts which are given or told.
- Knowledge - Knowledge can be information or data which is learnt through study or even just generally.
- Wisdom - Wisdom is having knowledge and distinguishing factual from fictional.
2. This is my alternative way of representing the terms Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.
3. The understanding of the relationship between data, information and knowledge can assist my university study, because each one relates to one another. Finding data leads to finding information and finding information leads to knowledge. Information is collected by the student and by reading the information it is automatically learned. Knowledge is gained through data and information and wisdom is deveoped through researching data, collecting information and having knowledge. These aspects each relate to eachother and it is important that a University student understands them and can use each aspect in their study.
4. Organisations that collect information from their clients or the public:
Edith Cowan University - The university collects information from the students, who are the Universities clients. The type of information which they collect is the students progress throughout the course. The purpose of collecting this information is that if the student ever needs their grades or progress through out the course in the future, then they will be available to the student or client.
Telstra - Telstra collects information from their clients who are the consumers. For example, Telstra collects personal information from their clients such as home telephone numbers and adresses so they are able to contact their clients. They also collect information from the public through telemarketing and surveys.
Centrelink - Centrelink collects information from their clients to make sure that each person has a job, or if not to make sure they are being provided with the money that is necessary.
Western Power- Western Power collects information from their clients such as their postal adress and telephone number as well as the amount of power being consumed by the client. The purpose of collecting this information from their clients is to make sure a bill is sent to the client for their electricity consumption.
MySpace - MySpace is an international site that offers email, a forum, communities, videos and weblog space, which collects information from their clients such as email, name, username etc., which allows a user to create their MySpace. The creator of Myspace, who goes by the name of Tom also accepts emails from the consumers of myspace enquiring about how to improve the website.
Week Eleven: Reading (URL) - Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
The information in the first article gives definition of the terms in a much more detailed matter in comparison to the second. The second website which is an Information Literacy Tutorial does contain quizzes, for the reader to know how much they understand of the website provided. Both of these articles give information on the terms Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, but the first website contains much more detail and is much clearer and easy to follow and understand.
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