Sunday, April 13, 2008

Week 7 - Using Endnote


Today's lecture was based on using Endnote. Endnote is a database that can be used as a Reference Manager and a Bibliography Maker. I wasn't familiar with Endnote before the lecture and I learned a lot about it through the lecture notes. End note seemed a bit complicated to use but it also seemed very interesting. The lecture had a lot of useful information about endnote and it also had print screens to demonstrate how to use Endnote.


In today's tutorial I completed a range of different tasks all relating to Endnote. I had trouble using Endnote at first, but after practicing I finally managed to understand how to use Endnote. In today's tutorial I learned a lot about using Endnote and Hope's help contributed to the understanding of completing the tasks.



This is a message posted to an electronic mailing list that I have referenced:

Jermins, K. (2005). Ursi: Ursi Commissions. Message posted to ref links electronic mailing list, archived at

This is a website that I referenced:

Euthanasia is a Major Problem in the Netherlands ( [.2008.] Retrieved March, 2008, from Google:

This is Journal article that I referenced:

Lewis, P. U.S. (2007). The Empirical Slippery Slope from Voluntary to Non Voluntary. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 35, 95 – 212. Retrieved
March 24, 2008 from ProQuest database.

This is an online Magazine article I have referenced:

Cosmo’s Record-Breaking Bikini Bash. (2008, January 6). [Cosmopilitan Magazine], 7-9.

This is an online Newspaper article that I have referenced:

Petrol to rise beyond $1.50: economist. (2008, April 13). The West Australian, p. 7.

Endnotev11 Exercises for Vista:


This is the first exercise we completed using Endnote. It was basically a practice for using Endnote and we had to use specific sites and books given to us to complete the task. This was an introduction exercise to using Endnote.

Cite While you Write


This is some notes from the websites and books I was given to reference using Endnote. I also used Endnote to cite the notes. It was interesting to see how useful Endnote was.


This is a print screen of the excersise we were asked to complete. It was called cite while you write. It involved using Endnote for in-text referencing. I managed to complete the task and was proud that I finally understood how to use Endnote.

Resources: Endnote

This document was a guide to using Endnote. The guide did give me some direction with what I needed. The document was very helpful because I did need help with Endnote. The information in the document was very easy do understand and follow. It helped me a lot with completing the tasks required for this week.

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